Tag: faith


    There’s  a road on my way to church that no one can avoid. That is the only road that leads to church and whoever it is, a pedestrian or a car owner has to go through this one road.

    Walking to church is easy but coming back home, one has to climb. It’s  a hill with lots of stones and rocky parts that you’ll have to avoid and be very careful so you don’t fall. When coming back from church, we all have to climb this hill back to the bus stop and I’m telling you it’s not easy. But we all have a destination, right? We need to get to the bus stop. Now for some people who don’t have enough cash to take the easy way out and pay a bike to take them all the way up, have to pant and climb and sweat it out as they climb.

        From the book of Matthew, it is clearly stated that Jesus saw the crowd gathering towards Him and he climbed a hilltop and they followed. Matt 5 from verse 1 says: “When Jesus saw his ministry  drawing  huge crowd, he climbed a hillside, those who were apprenticed to Him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving  at a quiet place, He sat down {MSB}”. 

    I had to use the hilltop on my way to church for better understanding. Climbing a hilltop is never easy if you’re not mobile and at the time, they only had their legs and whatever strength they had left in them.

    Jesus  took them to a quiet place where he knew would be easy for everyone to focus on Him alone. He took them to a place where only His voice mattered. He took them to a place where they could see nothing else around them. I’m sure if it were a market place, all He wanted to do was take them away from anything that could pose as a distraction to them.

    Some people must have stopped along the way to rest and didn’t  go on with others. Some rested but were distracted by the noise around them.

         Jesus is a very detailed man and even while He was on Earth, everything He did and said, was a message to us. Most times we just have to be quiet to hear Him. When things around us is posing as a threat to our lives, we all have to find that quiet place where only God matters and communicate. He knows that life can be hard. He knows that for us to become who He wants us to be, who He has created us to be, we have to leave every distraction behind. We have to focus on his voice and disconnect from any other thing that doesn’t encourage us to grow. That is why he sent His son to us. Only those who look only to the destination and not the noise around them, can get there with Him. Sometimes when you are in a state where you can’t think clearly anymore, things are happening all at once and you don’t even know what else to say to God, all you need is to be quiet and focus on His voice because He always speaks to us. Sometimes it can seem like he’s quiet but He speaks.

    God doesn’t speak to a rioted heart. He needs to bring you to a place where only His voice can be heard. If you can speak to Him to take control and put everything else aside, He will.

    Find a place inside your heart and speak to Him, you don’t even have to be audible for everyone else to hear you. He is a God that searches all hearts so why won’t He hear you when you speak quietly to Him? You can also find that quiet place in His Word.

    David said, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path {Ps. 119:105}.” When the road seems rocky and full of stones and you get tired and feel like you can’t go on with life anymore, just know that Jesus is right beside you, and He is holding your hand. It is okay to get tired, but know that you are never alone. He can hear you even when you speak and ask for help. Just know that where your strength ends, the strength of God begins. He can never let you do life alone. Jesus was once on Earth, He went through everything you’re going through and He understands. He knows what it feels like to be helpless, clueless and without a single way out. He is only saying that He is there with you.

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