Tag: God’s Plan

  • Reckless Love

    I had to go through the dictionary to find the meaning of the word “reckless”. I understood it as carelessness and actions without thinking. Although the dictionary stated almost the same thing but I got a different meaning from what I read. “A disregard for danger or consequences.” I thought about what to relate it with and a scene in Grey’s Anatomy came to mind and honestly, it was because of these characters, I stopped seeing Grey’s Anatomy. The shooting in the hospital that happened at the nurses reception causing Mark to rather think of taking Lexi to safety without minding the fact that he could have been shot with how the bullets were flying around. He only thought of Lexi at the time. That’s how much God cares for and shields us from evil. From bad thoughts. From evil lifestyles that won’t lead us to our destiny.

    Last night, I was singing Cory Asbury’s song: Reckless Love and it wasn’t until last night that I got a clear understanding of what it means to have such love for someone that you can do anything to keep the person safe. Sometimes God decides to take people away from this Earth not because he wants to be wicked, but because He has seen the future of this person  and He would rather have them over in heaven than keep them on earth and lose them to hell.

    The Reckless Love of God.

    “Before I spoke a word, you were singing over me”. God already spoke over our lives before we took our first breath. Most of my blog posts are all about God’s predestined plan for us and living according to His plan. Because it is so fulfilling to do that. Thing is, God already formed us in the way He wants us to be. So whatever we see in life is only a path that brings us to that destination of who we truly are in Christ. Our true identity. He was already speaking those words before we could draw our first breath. And he fights everyday to make sure it happens. Most times we don’t even know it. Other times, we know it.

    The lyrics said: No shadow you won’t light up, mountain you won’t climb up, coming after me. No wall you won’t kick down, lie you won’t tear down, coming after me.

    The last line about the wall and the lie got to me. There were so many times, I had said things to God because he allowed certain things happen to me, that I didn’t understand why He did that until later. He always makes you understand why He had to let things happen. Sometimes, it takes years. Truth is: God would rather have you go through those nasty things, while he still shields you just so he doesn’t lose you later in the future or even in the midst of those problems.

    The first two sentences made me realize the difference between who I was and who I am now. Sometimes, life can through stones at you and all you can think of is, building a wall between yourself and God. Between yourself and the whole world. But there is a destiny you need to fulfill but all the devil does is tell you a lie to make you think you’re not worthy or even worth God’s time. A God who had to give his only son away, not minding the consequences of whether we would turn from our even ways or not. Who else could have done that. He does things that we as human would think twice before doing for love. His love is so perfect that even while we push Him away and call Him names, he is still there. I had drifted away from Him one time in my life because I thought everything He ever does is spoil my plans. I was so interested in being in a relationship that I got into anyone as long as the guy liked me and I liked him as well. But in the end I get so involved and it would crash and I would blame God and say nasty things and turn me back on Him. It happened over and over and even while I did that I would blame Him for not being there for me. Until I was tired of it all and He said, “I never left. I was always there, waiting for you. I’m still waiting.”

    The fact the we feel he isn’t there doesn’t mean He is not. He never leaves. He loves us too much to leave. Cory Asbury’s song said, “Oh it chases me down, fights till I’m found, leaves the ninety-nine.” Have you even fought for something that is so dear to you that you don’t even mind the fact that you’re being injured, all you want is that thing. Or a parent who says to an attacker, “take me and leave my child”. God’s love is so reckless, He doesn’t even care. All He wants is you. He wants you back. No matter what you have done and the devil wants you to believe, God is saying He is still waiting. Most times the devil brings discouraging words because he is the accuser of the brethren but God is saying there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Which means, there is nothing you may have done in life, that will make Him push you away, perish that thought because the devil doesn’t want you to go to God. And it starts from the believe you have. You only have to believe that God loves you too much to let you fall.

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